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"You only fall in love with people when you know their history"

The "Complaint Desk" is an online space where migrants and refugees in Portugal can report cases of exploitation, violation and/or discrimination, with the ultimate objective of using the data to pressure entities responsible for change.


Have you faced unfair treatment recently because you are an immigrant or refugee? Has any organization or group violated your rights? Share your story with us!


We are a group of Portuguese citizens, migrants and refugees living in Portugal. This project was created in collaboration with the collective HuBB (Humans Before Borders) that stands up for rights of migrants and refugees.


With the "Complaint Desk" we aim to have an accessible website for any migrant and refugee in Portugal to share their complaint / testimony regarding any kind of abuse or mistreatment suffered in the country.


We will make this information public, through processed statistical data, on the website. Information such as name and contact will never be made public in any way without direct consent from the plaintiff. Although we cannot promise to use this data to start activism campaigns it is our intention to identify actionable data in order to pressure decision makers into action.


If you wish to share a complaint you do not need to give your name, contact or any other identifiable personal information. However, complaints accompanied by name and contact information have a greater potential for achieving change.

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